We’ve received the following announcement:
Dear Improved Stoves Working Group,
In the framework of the Environmental Health Protection and Management platform, we would like to let you know that IOM (International Organization for Migration, not to be confused with Institute of Medicine of the National Academies) has funding available for quick wins environmental health project with community benefits to be started on July 1st and completed on September 1st.
Budget is of $20 000 to max of $70 000 per project.
Project submission details:
Deadline for submission: June 30th by midnight.
To be sent to sfernando@iom.int. Please copy Megan.Rapp@unep.org with any submissions.
Good luck and best regards,
Megan Rapp
Megan A. Rapp
Research Assistant
United Nations Environment Programme
Haiti Mobile +509 3841 8126
Skype: megan.a.rapp
Megan A. Rapp
Research Assistant
United Nations Environment Programme
Haiti Mobile +509 3841 8126
Skype: megan.a.rapp