TCP and MIT D-Lab are excited to share the report of our October 2018 Convening – Advancing Sustainable cHarcoal Enterprises at Scale (AScHES). This was an amazing week of learning and community building for producers of sustainable biomass briquettes. Knowing that many producers were not able to join our group, we are happy to share a synopsis of the proceedings with links to presentations. Please send us your comments after reviewing the document, we hope to engage the large community as we move forward.

Pingback: Unsustainable charcoal consumption in Africa: what we plan to do about it - The Charcoal Project
I am interested in attending the conference because am one of the producers doing it in Mwingi, central at Mwingi town along Mwingi Tseikuru road.
My company is MUKESS meaning (Mumoni and Kyuso Energy Saving stoves).
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