This story was first reported on local ABC network in Los Angeles on July 19th, 2010.
By Francesca Rheannon, Green Right Now — …The problem stems not so much from the science as from the business model for biochar. Bringing biochar into the market for trading carbon credits – which is being considered by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for inclusion in UN Certified Emission Reductions (CER) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – would kickstart biochar production on an industrial scale. It would create a market for biochar carbon offsets that polluters would buy. That means biochar companies would need enough biomass to fuel their furnaces – and their bottom lines. That could mean more than a billion hectares worldwide devoted to biochar…. Read the full story.
(Hat-tip to Victoria Kamsler, Chair of the Biochar Offset Group in Toronto, Canada for bringing this to our attention.)