Sorry for the radio silence, folks. Family-related issues kept me away for a few days. But we’re back!
The Charcoal Project recently applied for partnership status with PCIA, the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air and stumbled in their archives on the proceedings of their most recent conference back in March in Uganda.
There is a lot of information there on a variety of topics (I’ll blog about some of the highlights later but you can find a summary here.)
What really caught my eye was a series of presentation and case studies on the economic potential of fuel and stove efficiency in the context of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Under the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM allows industrialized countries to invest in projects that reduce emissions in developing countries (like carbon sequestration through forest protection, for example) rather than in more expensive emission reductions at home. This means that a well run stove efficiency program has the potential to generate a significant and steady stream of funding for the project. I’m vastly oversimplifying but that’s the idea.
Here are a few PPTs to get your feet wet:
Understanding the Carbon Market | Samira Elkhamlichi, Carbon Finance Assist | World Bank | Elkhamlichi_Market_Overview.pdf | |
CDM Programme of Activities | Massamba Thioye, Carbon Finance Assist | World Bank | Thioye_Programmatic_CDM.pdf | |
Getting Started With a CDM Project | Samira Elkhamlichi, Carbon Finance Assist | World Bank | Elkhamlichi_PIN_Getting_Started.pdf | PIN_Template.pdf | |
Ugastove Case Study | Matt Evans | Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development (CEIHD) | Evans_Ugastove_Case_Study.pdf | Evans_Ugastove_Overview.pdf | Evans_CFinance_General.pdf | |
Ugastove Case Study | Tom Owinio | Climate Care | Owino_Ugastove_Case_Study.pdf | |
Carbon Finance Lessons Learned | S.Y. Iwan Baskoro | GERES Cambodia | Baskoro_Lessons_Learned.pdf | |
CDM Project Cycle | Samira Elkhamlichi, Carbon Finance Assist | World Bank | Elkhamlichi_Project_Cycle.pdf |
We are a Girl scout troop interested in planning our Gold Award around fuel efficient stoves. We are finishing our Silver now but starting to collect info.
Hi, Lisa.
We’re huge fans of the Girl Scouts.
Let us know how we can help you!
J. Kim Chaix
The Charcoal Project