PCIA meeting in Lima, Peru, is the place to be for clean cookstove community

(A public service announcement for the PCIA)

In view of last week’s launch of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, Lima promises to be the place to be in February 2011!

5th Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum

What do you get when you gather the world’s leading household energy and health experts and offer them five days of dynamic workshops, technical presentations and stories from successful programs around the world?

Unexpected connections. Extraordinary insights. Powerful advancements.

  • 1 day kick-off event, Monday, February 21, 2011:
    Learn about the government of Peru’s national stove campaign.
  • 5-day Biennial Forum, February 22-26, 2011:
    Join us to address topics including stove performance standards and testing, monitoring and evaluation, carbon financing, expanded commercial markets, recent research outcomes, community engagement and much more.

The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air is a global community of over 350 individuals, nonprofits, governments, research organizations and businesses. Each PCIA Forum showcases the power of networking to accelerate action that reduces exposure to indoor air pollution from cooking and heating practices—and ultimately improves the health, livelihood, and quality of life for millions of people.

Register Now

The Forum will take place from February 21 – 26, 2011, in Lima, Peru.

And if you plan to arrive early in Lima, please join The Charcoal Project for a cocktail party on Sunday, February 20th! (Before the paragliding outing!)

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