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VIDEO: How the woodfuel shortage is affecting East African schools & community

This short YouTube video is based on an interview I did in June with Henry Twinemasiko, the director of the REF schools in Rubaare, Uganda, (visit our project page) who appealed to us six months ago for help in bringing energy efficiency and renewable fuels to his school district. Henry is a tremendously inspiring and

VIDEO: How the woodfuel shortage is affecting East African schools & community Read More »

Ugandan schoolmaster leads way in seeking energy efficiency & sustainable renewable fuels for schools

Born to a very poor family, orphaned at a young age, Henry Twinemasiko is providing hope and education to 1,650 schoolchildren in this remote corner of Uganda.

Henry’s next mission is to bring clean-burning biomass fuels and green technology to the schools and the community’s 15,000 inhabitants.

At The Charcoal Project we are proud and humbled to be Henry’s partner.

Ugandan schoolmaster leads way in seeking energy efficiency & sustainable renewable fuels for schools Read More »

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