I’ve been lucky enough in my lifetime to have met a handful of very inspiring individuals. Regardless of religion or culture, these unique men and women have a way of re-affirming one’s faith in the fundamental goodness of humanity.
Henry Twinemasiko belongs in this category.
Henry is the director and founder of the REF schools in Rubaare, Uganda. Henry is also our “on-the-ground” partner in an effort to bring energy efficient cooking technology and better fuels to the schools and the community in this rural part of Uganda where woodfuel has grown increasingly expensive and scarce.
You can view a short video interview I did with Henry when I visited Rubaare in June.
You can read a lengthier interview from an earlier blog post.
It is a true honor to be a partner with Henry in this noble effort!
PS – If you can, please donate to our fundraising effort for this project through our online fundraising platform on Global Giving. 100% of your donation goes directly to the project!